Together, Baccarat and Alain Ducasse have reinvented the historic Maison Baccarat Paris 16e, in the heart of the Golden Triangle, to transform it into a place of experiences, moments of life and unexpected encounters where art and craft meet. The works exhibited by Baccarat resonate with Alain Ducasse's culinary vision.

In the Ducasse Baccarat spaces, discover on the second floor the Alain Ducasse Baccarat restaurant, conceptualized with Christophe Saintagne and executed by Robin Schroeder, and the Midi-Minuit bar, hosted by Margot Lecarpentier.

Under a sky of Baccarat crystal rain, Chef Alain Ducasse, alongside Christophe Saintagne and Robin Schroeder, invites you to experience a unique gastronomic journey where spontaneity reigns supreme. At the table, nothing is fixed; everything is in motion. The menu's structure doesn’t follow a single narrative but is built on dishes that complement, respond to, and clash with one another. Coffee squash transports you to a burnery where roasting is in full swing. Shredded lobster in a rose tapioca bath makes you feel like Cleopatra in an asses' milk bath.

Lunch menu - 90€
Dinner menu - 240€

Between the structured light of Arik Levy's Futur Deco chandeliers, composed of ten tiers of crystal tiles, and Jean-Michel Frank's parchment panels, Margot Lecarpentier's creations diffuse their own light. Designed with the joy and bold brilliance that characterize the mixologist, the cocktails evolve with the seasons and adapt to the changing hours of the day. Whether spending the day, the evening, or just a moment before indulging in a meal, the cocktail enthusiast enters a parallel world where what they drink is crafted to match the vessel. It will also be possible to eat at the bar from midday to midnight.

Contact & informations

Ducasse Baccarat
11 Place des Etats-Unis, 75016 Paris
Metro Boissière (6) or Alma Marceau (9)
+33 1 84 75 13 15

Open daily from noon to midnight.

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